The “Avatar”-Like Family with Blue Skin Color
In rural Kentucky, a family had blue skin color which was due to a rare genetic condition
It traveled through generations due to excessive inbreeding within the family
According to an article named “Blue People of Troublesome Creek” written by Cathy Trost of the University of Indiana, the blue-colored family gained public attention in 1982
One of their descendant Benjy Stacy's birth news spread via ABC News
Benjy was born with dark blue skin pigmentation and was transferred to the University of Kentucky Medical Center
This rare genetic condition is known asmethemoglobinemia which helps red blood cells contain an abnormal amount of methemoglobin
Methemoglobin is a form of hemoglobin but it is unable to carry oxygen to the tissues.
In this way, body tissues lack oxygenation and turn blue
A doctor named Madison Cawein was able to find a potential cure. He administered Dennis Stacy, one of the Fugates seeking help, to take methylene blue dye which converts methemoglobin to hemoglobin.
Benjy Stacy could get rid of his blue color at the age of 7 because he got it from one of his parents
Floral Frame
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