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Govind Tekale

Biden’s ‘National Security First’ Doctrine: Why Everything—Even Foreign Aid—Is Now About U.S. Security

Biden Doctrine, Foreign Aid Strategy, International Relations, national security, US Foreign Policy

The modern nation-states have an obsession. It is national security. In the USA, it is everything. For example, the late Henry Kissinger quoted national security as one of the leading factors in his foreign policy. Now national security overrides all the other issues.

John Grisham, the famous novelist depicts 3 Ex – judges as extortionists in his popular novel ‘The Brethren‘. These former judges are lodged in a prison where they try to extort money from a presidential candidate, who the CIA supports. When the ‘brethren’ try to blackmail Aaron Lake, the fictional presidential candidate, the CIA director approaches the lame-duck president to pardon these former convicted judges as national security is involved. President, in turn, pardons them as a national security issue.

Berkeley scholars noted that the shock of 9/11, followed by the Iraq war, led to misguided and costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, increased anti-Muslim sentiment, and an “obsessive focus on security and safety that has sometimes undermined freedom and human rights.”

At present, USA and NATO are actively supporting Ukraine in their fight against Russia. Putin, as a Russian dictator wants to assert his country’s supremacy over former Soviet Union countries. Joe Biden, the lame-duck President is quite fond of national security. Now it is a part of Biden doctrine under which national security is the foundation of all US policies.

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The only debate between Trump and Harris was a reference to national security. Still, Harris scored a debating point when she mentioned that US foreign policy is always guided by national security. She said that Biden’s doctrine serves American interests.

As per Daniel B. Shapiro, a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, regions like middle-east are volatile and fast moving, and  challenges the ability to implement strategy. “The region makes mincemeat of strategy papers, forcing choices upon policymakers that require the most painful tradeoffs,” he said.

Now anything can be explained in the guise of a national security issue. When Mohammed Yunus, the new de facto Prime Minister of Bangladesh, visited the US, Biden immediately told him his country would protect the national security of Bangladesh.Thus national Security has become a new Mantra of foreign policy of the USA. In short, according to Biden’s doctrine, national security is the main plank of all US policies including foreign policy. According to him, everything is national security. National security is everything.

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