Student Reading a Book.

Govind Tekale

Why 3 Out of 5 Adults Choose Reading, Music, and Movies as Their Top Hobbies – The Impact You Didn’t Expect

Adult leisure activities, Entertainment impact, Hobby trends, Lifestyle choices, Personal development

You may follow any profession, but if you have a hobby, your life becomes meaningful. Reading, listening to music, watching movies, philately, talking with friends, solving mathematical puzzles are some of the hobbies. The three Rs of education are Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.

Reading is a very useful pastime. A book is your immortal friend. Books can be of many varieties. Fiction, poetry, drama, biography, science fiction, do-it-yourself guides, and scriptures are some of the classifications of books. A humorous author like P.G. Wodehouse is a gift to humanity. His character butler Jeeves was one of the lifelong companions of older generations.

The religious scriptures give a direction to our life. Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bible, Koran, Life of Gautam Buddha, Vardhmaan Mahaveer’s life, and thoughts of Confucius are fountains of inspiration for all types of people. Bhagavad Gita, a part of Mahabharata, has influenced many generations. This book of 700 verses tells the story of how Arjuna, dejected on seeing his close relatives on the battlefield, is inspired by Shri Krishna’s advice or Gitopadesh to fight and win the Mahabharata war. The dialogues of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle influence mankind even today.

Listening to music can be a very happy pastime. Music can be light or classical. It can be instrumental or vocal. If you can enjoy music, there is no limit as modern science opened floodgates for music lovers. Film music is a universally appealing phenomenon.

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