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Why Are New York Mets Skeptical Of Correa’s Contract?

Baseball, MLB, Sports, USA

Carlos Javier Correa, a 28-year-old Puerto Rican professional baseball player has decided to drop out of the contract to become a free agent. The New York Mets have backed down from the deal due to frustration caused by constant negotiation with Correa. Clearly there is a skepticism about Correa’s contract.

According to the reports the Mets and Correa has agreed on a $315 million deal in this December. Although the deal is not active due to concerns over Correa’s physical health. The New York Post reported that meanwhile Correa wanted to renew the contract with another team beyond the Mets. REportedly Correa signed an agreement of $350 million with the Giants prior to the Mets. 

Although both the deals are on hold concerning a medical reason over his lower right leg or ankle injury from 2014 while he was playing for the Minor Leagues. However, Correa’s leg injury didn’t erupt throughout his career at MLB. yet the Mets are skeptical about signing a deal with him up to 2034.

The New York Post reports that the Mets and Correa have been negotiating to make changes in the contract structure. According to Correa’s agent Scott Boras, other baseball players have been known for negotiating deals in the past including J.D. Martinez’s five-year worth $110 million deal with the Red Sox or Magglio Ordonez’s deal with the Tigers. 

Sources say that currently the Mets and Correa’s representatives are working out to find a way. However, a resolution is unclear right at this moment. 

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