Donald Trump

Govind Tekale

Trump’s Promise to Shut Down U.S.-Mexico Border on Day One: What His Plan Means for 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants

Border Security, Immigration Policy, Trump 2024, U.S.-Mexico Border, Undocumented Immigrants

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned that if he wins the presidency again, he will close the border with Mexico “from day one” and complete the construction of the border wall that he began during his first term. During his 96-minute speech accepting the Republican nomination at the national convention held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the U.S. businessman declared, “It’s time for a change.” Trump vowed that if he returns to the White House, he will close the border with Mexico “from day one.”

In his characteristic tone, the former president once again criminalized immigrants, blaming them for a “chaos of destruction and crime” in American communities and cities. “Immigrants are stealing the jobs we created four years ago, and the most affected are African Americans and Hispanics; immigrants are stealing their jobs,” Trump said. He pledged that if elected in November, he would tackle the issue immediately. “If we don’t stop the invasion of undocumented immigrants, we won’t achieve prosperity… they are bringing criminals and placing them in our country,” Trump added, claiming these immigrants come from prisons and mental institutions.

He promised that under his new administration, there would be massive deportation raids, as undocumented immigrants, he alleged, commit murder, rape, and assault against U.S. citizens. “Tonight, America, it is my promise that I will not let these criminals enter our country,” Trump stated during the immigration segment of his speech accepting the Republican nomination. Trump’s message at the closing of the convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, did not differ from his 2016 statements. During his 2016 campaign, Trump used derogatory and generalized phrases referring to Mexicans. One of the phrases that resonated in public opinion described Mexicans as drug traffickers and rapists.

Trump specifically mentioned immigrants from Venezuela and El Salvador, suggesting that crime in these countries has decreased because their governments are sending their criminals to the U.S. “The greatest invasion in history is happening right here in our country. They are coming from every corner of the earth, not only from South America but also from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. They are coming from everywhere, and this administration is doing nothing to stop them. They are coming from prisons and mental institutions, and terrorists at unprecedented levels. Meanwhile, our crime rates are rising, while crime statistics worldwide are falling. That’s because they are bringing their murderers, drug traffickers, terrorists, and criminals of all kinds to the United States. We have become a dumping ground for the world that is laughing at us. They think we’re stupid…,” Trump argued.

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In another part of his speech, the Republican mentioned cases where immigrants have been accused of crimes, such as the rape and murder of Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston, Texas. In relation to the events, Venezuelan immigrants Johan José Martínez Rangel, 22, and Franklin José Peña Ramos, 26, were accused. “I recently spoke with the grieving mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, a precious 12-year-old girl from Houston who was bound, assaulted, and strangled to death after walking to a convenience store, with her body discarded near a roadside in a shallow ditch. For the horrific crime against Jocelyn, the accused two undocumented Venezuelan immigrants who crossed our border were in custody and later released into our country by the current administration,” the former president said. Trump also mentioned the case of Rachel Morin in Maryland.

Morin, 37, and mother of five, was raped and murdered while running on Ma & Pa Trail in Harford County last August. Last month, Víctor Martínez-Hernandez, 23, from El Salvador, was arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as a suspect in the case. “I also recently met with the heartbroken mother and sister of Rachel Morin. Rachel was a 37-year-old mother of five who was brutally raped and murdered while out running. The monster responsible first killed another woman in El Salvador before being allowed into the United States by this White House…,” Trump stated.

Trump insisted that the U.S. suffers from a crisis of illegal immigration and a massive invasion at the southern border that has worsened misery, crime, poverty, diseases, and the destruction of communities across the country. “I will end the illegal immigration crisis by closing our border and finishing the wall, most of which I have already built,” he claimed. In this regard, Trump reiterated his promise to launch the largest deportation operation in U.S. history, “even larger than President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s.”

Despite his direct attack on illegal immigration, in another part of his message, Trump appealed to unity and hope to prevail in the presidential race. “I come before you tonight with a message of confidence, strength, and hope. I run for president for all of America, not for half, because there is no victory in winning only half,” the Republican stated. The meeting that began on Monday at Fiserv Forum aimed to confirm Trump’s candidacy and that of his vice-presidential candidate, Senator J.D. Vance from Ohio.

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