Articles for author: Govind Tekale

Govind Tekale

A Journey through Historical Records on Climate Change and Political Deceptions

Creating confusion and hindering progress, political misinformation surrounding climate change persists. A clear trail of what scientists and government officials knew about climate change is provided by historical documents and reports. The greenhouse effect and its connection to carbon dioxide from burning coal were discovered by scientists in the late 1800s. The researchers warned about ...

Govind Tekale

Meet Ameca: The Extraordinary Multilingual Poet and Sketch Artist of the Robot World

Ameca is a humanoid robot that possesses impressive abilities such as speaking multiple languages, composing poems, and sketching on demand. With its rubbery blue face, Ameca can respond to commands and questions and interact with people using generative artificial intelligence. The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in London exhibited several robots, including Ameca. ...