Articles for author: Govind Tekale

Govind Tekale

New York’s Snowless Winter: A Record-Tying Absence

New Yorkers are aware that they may not have a white Christmas every year, but by the end of January, the city typically has enough snow for sledding and snowball fights. However, this winter has been different. It’s been 50 years since the city has waited this long for the first measurable snowfall of the ...

Govind Tekale

The Iconic Composer: Burt Bacharach Passes Away

Burt Bacharach passed away on February 8th, 2023, at the age of 94, in his Los Angeles home due to natural causes. Burt Bacharach was a towering figure in the world of music, credited with writing some of the most iconic songs of all time, such as “Do You Know the Way to San Jose,” ...

Govind Tekale

Nuclear Fission to Power : Future NASA and DARPA Missions to Mars

 Nuclear Fission will power NASA’s prominent future missions and DARPA missions to Mars. The United States plans to test a spacecraft engine powered by nuclear fission by 2007 as part of a long-term NASA effort to demonstrate more efficient methods of propelling astronauts to Mars in the future, the space agency’s chief said on Tuesday. ...

Govind Tekale

Biden’s Handwritten Notes Seized in Remarkable Search of President’s Home

US President Joe Biden’s home has been searched for several classified documents and handwritten notes.The FBI searched Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, on Friday & located additional documents with classified markings & also took possession of some of his handwritten notes, the President’s lawyer said on Saturday. The remarkable search of a sitting president’s home ...

Govind Tekale

Gunman Kills Seven in Northern California Agricultural Businesses

Half Moon Bay A gunman killed seven people at the agricultural businesses in Northern California, plunging the state into mourning again in the wake of its third mass killing in eight days. Officers arrested a suspect in Monday’s shootings,67- year-old Chunil Zahoor, after they found him in his car in the parking lot of the ...

Govind Tekale


Passport Check Required to Cross Canusa Street In America

At the U S – Canada border, between the American state of Vermont & the Canadian province of Quebec, lies Canusa  Street, where walking across the dotted yellow line down the middle of the road requires residents to report to a border crossing office first or face fines & prison time.  With the border between ...

Govind Tekale

The Future of Social Media: Supreme Court to Revisit Section 230

The US Supreme Court has decided to review section 230 which provided immunity to online platforms from civil liabilities of their content for a long period of time. For years, giant social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have operated under two crucial tenets. The first is that the platforms have the power to decide ...