Articles for tag: AI Impact, Artificial Intelligence, Global Politics, International Relations, Political Analysis

Prompt Engineers: The Linguistic Craftsmen Shaping AI’s Future

In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), prompt engineers hold a unique and pivotal role. Their speciality? Crafting precise prose to evaluate AI chatbots. These experts delve deep, uncovering both the flaws and the vast potential inherent in generative models. Alex Shop accentuates the pivotal role of prompt engineers in ensuring the reproducibility and safety ...

MIT"s DribbleBot

MIT’s DribbleBot: Taking Football to the Next Frontier of Robotics

For millions worldwide, football transcends being just a game; it is an emotion, uniting supporters in euphoric admiration for their favorite teams. The game persists across varying climates, terrains, and even historical eras – its influence seemingly unscathed by the trials of time and circumstance. The sport’s latest challenge, however, comes from an unexpected player: ...

Govind Tekale

Meet Ameca: The Extraordinary Multilingual Poet and Sketch Artist of the Robot World

Ameca is a humanoid robot that possesses impressive abilities such as speaking multiple languages, composing poems, and sketching on demand. With its rubbery blue face, Ameca can respond to commands and questions and interact with people using generative artificial intelligence. The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in London exhibited several robots, including Ameca. ...

When Art Meets Artificial Intelligence: The Impossible Statue Blends Art, Technology, and Engineering in an Unprecedented Feat

This ground-breaking mix of art, technology, and engineering was created by Sandvik Group using artificial intelligence and inspiration from renowned painters. The project’s goal was to produce a sculpture that incorporates design elements from numerous art styles and historical masters. The executive adviser at The AI Framework, Robert Luciani, utilized AI to dissect and combine ...