Articles for category: Sports, USA

Govind Tekale


Passport Check Required to Cross Canusa Street In America

At the U S – Canada border, between the American state of Vermont & the Canadian province of Quebec, lies Canusa  Street, where walking across the dotted yellow line down the middle of the road requires residents to report to a border crossing office first or face fines & prison time.  With the border between ...

CruxBuzz Staff

Did Rob Gronkowski Really Apologize To The Dallas Cowboys?

The final game of the NFL’s Super Wildcard Weekend saw the Dallas Cowboys dominate the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, led by quarterback Tom Brady. The final score of 31-14 does not reflect the extent of the defeat suffered by the Buccaneers. They were outmatched from the start and Dallas was in a league of their own ...

Govind Tekale

The Must-See Hollywood Movies of 2023

2023 is set to have a plethora of films in Hollywood. Many famous artists and creations by eminent directors will be in theaters all over the world, including films based on novels and comic books. Additionally, films that were delayed due to the pandemic are now slated to be released this year. These are all ...

CruxBuzz Staff

Why Are New York Mets Skeptical Of Correa’s Contract?

Carlos Javier Correa, a 28-year-old Puerto Rican professional baseball player has decided to drop out of the contract to become a free agent. The New York Mets have backed down from the deal due to frustration caused by constant negotiation with Correa. Clearly there is a skepticism about Correa’s contract. According to the reports the ...

Govind Tekale

Exploring The Most Futuristic Technology At CES 2023

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, a major event showcasing new technology, starts today. The event covers a wide range of tech developments, including health smart homes, foldable displays, computing devices, and TVs. Truly CES is a exploration into the most futuristic technology on the planet. Here ‘s what you can expect.